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地址:山东省济南市天桥区蓝翔路时代总部基地 一区24C号


浏览量:2934   来源:www.bcabb.com  作者:宝川


Maintenance of Shandong Inverter: How to deal with the problem of frequency converter heating?



In order to ensure the normal and reliable operation of the inverters, it is necessary to cool the inverters.


The main ways to deal with the fever of the frequency converter are as follows:


(1) Fan heat dissipation: the fan inside the converter can take away the heat dissipation in the converter box.

(2)环境温度:逆变器是一种电子设备,包含电解电容等电子元件,因此温度对其寿命有较大影响。一般变频器的环境工作温度一般要求为-10℃ ~+50℃,如果能降低变频器的工作温度,变频器的使用寿命将会延长,性能将会稳定。我们一直忙于逆变器的维护。(1)可以延长变频器的使用寿命(2)在电器方面,可以说降低了维修率(3)也可以反映公司的管理和形象!

(2) Environmental temperature: Inverter is an electronic device, including electrolytic capacitors and other electronic components, so temperature has a greater impact on its life. Generally, the ambient working temperature of frequency converter is - 10 +50. If the working temperature of frequency converter can be reduced, the service life of frequency converter will be prolonged and its performance will be stable. We have been busy with the maintenance of inverters. (1) Can extend the life of the converter (2) In the electrical field, it can be said that the maintenance rate (3) can also reflect the company's management and image!


The specific maintenance plan of Baochuan Automation Company is as follows:

1、 变频器须解体,查看内部是否有异常现象.(如:镙丝松动、焊锡脱落、器件松动、器件烧焦、烧煳现象。)。

1. Frequency converter must be disintegrated to see if there are any abnormal phenomena inside. (e.g. loosening of upsetting wire, solder peeling off, device loosening, device burning, burning phenomenon.)

2、 检查变频器内部易老化器件,如:风扇,功率器件,功率电容,及印板老化现象。

2. Check the aging of the internal components of the converter, such as fans, power devices, power capacitors, and printed boards.

3、 清理变频器内部粉尘,油污,腐蚀性及导体杂质。对主要印板如:主控板,驱动板,开关电源板。采用全新品进口电子清洁剂进行喷洗,去除其老化层及导电物质。

3. Clean up the dust, oil, corrosiveness and conductor impurities inside the converter. For the main printed boards such as: main control board, drive board, switching power supply board. A new imported electronic cleaner is used for spray cleaning to remove the aging layer and conductive substances.

4、 对变频器主要控制部分进行先进的加膜处理。起到防尘,防老化,防导电物质,防水,及腐蚀性物质。http://www.bcabb.com/

4. The main control part of the frequency converter is treated with advanced film addition. It can prevent dust, aging, conductive, waterproof and corrosive substances. Http://www.bcabb.com/

